Sunday, 25 October 2015

Level Kebahagiaan VS Hedonisme Threadmill

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Tulisan mantan rektor ITB, Prof. Akhmaloka
Hedonic Treadmill

Pertanyaan: Kenapa makin tinggi income seseorang, ternyata makin menurunkan peran uang dalam membentuk kebahagiaan? Kajian-kajian dalam ilmu financial psychology menemukan jawabannya, yg kemudian dikenal dengan nama: “hedonic treadmill”.

Gampangnya, hedonic treadmill ini adl seperti ini : saat gajimu 5 juta, semuanya habis. Saat gajimu naik 30 juta per bulan, eh semua habis juga.Kenapa begitu? Krn ekspektasi n gaya hidupmu pasti ikut naik, sejalan dg kenaikan penghasilanmu.Dengan kata lain, nafsumu utk membeli materi/barang mewah akan terus meningkat sejalan dg peningkatan income-mu. Itulah kenapa disebut hedonic treadmill: seperti berjalan diatas treadmill, kebahagiaanmu tidak maju-maju !
Nafsu materi tidak akan pernah terpuaskan.

Saat income 10 juta/bulan, mau naik Avanza. Saat income 50 juta/bulan pengen berubah naik Alphard. Itu salah satu contoh sempurna tentang jebakan hedonic treadmill.
Hedonic treadmill membuat ekspektasimu akan materi terus meningkat. Itulah kenapa kebahagiaanmu stagnan, meski income makin tinggi.

 Ada eksperimen menarik: seorang pemenang undian berhadiah senilai Rp 5 milyar dilacak kebahagiaannya 6 bulan setelah ia mendapat hadiah.Apa yang terjadi? 6 bulan setelah menang hadiah 5 milyar, level kebahagaiaan orang itu SAMA dengan sebelum ia menang undian berhadiah.Itulah efek hedonic treadmill.

Jadi apa yang harus dilakukan agar kita terhindar dari jebakan hedonic treadmill?
Lolos dari jebakan nafsu materi yg tidak pernah berujung ?
Terapkan lah gaya hidup yg bersahaja ! sekeping gaya hidup yg tidak silau dengan gemerlap kemewahan materi.

 Mengubah orientasi hidup ! makin banyak berbagi , semakin banyak memberi kepada orang lain, teruji justru semakin membahagiakan... Bukan -lah banyak mengumpulkan materi yg membuat kebahagiaanmu terpuaskan !
When enough is enough.
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Kebahagiaan itu kadang sederhana : misal masih bisa menikmati sepeda tua ini

Sunday, 18 October 2015

DOTA2 Reborn Low FPS Windows 10


Hello, since there are a lot of post regarding the FPS issues, I did a research on how to improve performance of Dota2 Reborn and below you can find some tips & tricks. If you know any other possible fixes, write it down in the comments and I will add them.


  • [Windows 10] Disable Xbox application in Windows that caps the FPS in all games. (GUIDE)
  • Set fps_max in console to 120
  • Turn off the VSync
  • Check your autoexec / config for mat_vsync 1, if you find it, change the value to 0.
  • Disable Vsync completely from your GPU driver panel, it overrides the game settings.


  • [Windows 10] Click on the Action center icon next to the clock in Windows (taskbar) click on the "Expand" and check whether the "Location" is highlighted or not, if it is, turn it off.
  • [Windows 10] Exclude the Steam folder from Windows Defender (add it as exclusion.) (GUIDE)
  • Disable Steam Beta participation: Steam settings -> Account -> and select NONE beta participation.
  • Check whether the Workshop update is stuck on downloading page of Steam, if so, reinstalling steam fixes the problem.


  • Put engine_no_focus_sleep 0 to your autoexec / console.
  • Switch from Exclusive fullscreen to borderless windowed.


  • Go to (Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\game\bin\win64win32 ) and run dota2.exe. Game will start but won’t be connected to the Steam network. Change all the video settings to lowest and set windowed mode. Relaunch the game from steam client and adjust settings back to normal.


  • Verify integrity of game cache in steam for Dota2


  • Change the Processor Affinity to use all your Cores. (GUIDE)
  • Try to run 32bit version of Dota2 (SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\game\bin\win32).
  • Make sure to run only Steam and Dota2, no other background processes.
  • Turn off Steam Overlay
  • Put -high to launch options in steam.
  • If you have nVidia GPU, download OpenGL support for Windows DLC in steam and then put -gl to launch options, if you have AMD don't do it, the performance decreases for AMD GPUs.
  • Try to put -dx11 (for GPUs that support it) command to launch options in steam.
  • Set the lowest graphics settings possible.
  • Open video.txt in the dota 2 beta/game/dota/cfg folder. A lot of settings below setting.nowindowborder can be set to 0 to improve the performance for the cost of visual quality. Before doing so, backup your video.txt file.
  • Lower your resolution as a temporary solution.
  • Reinstall your GPU drivers or update them. (AMD / nVidia)
  • Reinstall Dota2 (before doing so, uncheck all DLCs downloaded - Premium DLC, Reborn DLC...) (DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS STEP! I HAD SIMILAR PROBLEM AND THIS HELPED!)
  • Download and install Linux Ubuntu, Dota2 performs there slightly better than on Windows. You can have both OS installed. Comparsion: DirectX / OpenGL

source :
Tested : admin blog dan ini berhasil