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Tuesday 1 October 2013

Mengatasi bug Kecerahan pada Laptop Lenovo Z400 IdeaPad

"I have buy Z400 yesterday and install WIN8 pro 64bits, but I cant adjust the screen brightness. I have tried to use the screen brightness on Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options, but it won't work. I have already reinstalled the lenovo power management and Nvidia driver (the version on the lenovo website and the newest version on the Nvidia website also), but it won't work also. So I try to reinstall the OS. the problem still occured. Please fix this problem ASAP, or try to release the fix pack. I cant use my laptop becuase it hurts my eyes becuase of the brightnes"

mungkin kata-kata dari salah seorang customer dari lenovo di atas itu terjadi pada diri anda,dan jika anda mengalami hal itu tak usah panik apalagi putus asa untuk membuang laptop anda,sebab hari ini saya akan memberikan solusinya..

PROBLEM : biasanya laptop lenovo z400 ideapad di berikan Nvidia dan Intel HD Graphics nah dalam kasus kali ini yang menjadi masalah adalah Intel HD Graphicsnya bukan laptop atau windowsnya..
dulu saya sempat panik dan hampir mengembalikan laptop lenovo z400 yang baru saya beli namun saya coba-coba googling dan menemukan solusi di forum resmi lenovo dan di dalam forum itu ada beberapa masalah yaitu kegagalan update Intel HD graphics dan updatenya yang tidak cocok dengan laptop anda

SOLVING THE PROBLEM : nah langsung saja disini ada dua masalah 1. Kegagalah update driver dan 2. Drivernya tidak cocok dengan laptop anda
untuk solusi masalah pertama adalah dengan mengembalikan driver sebelum di update dengan cara

Hit the Start Button + R on your keyboard, this will open the "Run" Box. In the Run Box you should type devmgmt.msc     This will directly open the device manager.

(It must be spelled EXACTLY this way, and you must type the .msc to open this window. Alternatively, you may find the Device Manager via Administrative Tools > Computer Management in the Control Panel after selecting View > Large/Small Icons from the dropdown list in the top right corner.)

This will open the Windows Device Manager, Once the Window is loaded and the devices appear, double click "Display Adapters" Then right-click "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000", Click Properties from the dropdown list.

Once in the Properties window click the Driver Tab, Then click on the "Roll Back Driver" button. If you are prompted if you want to install the previous version of the drivers, Select "Yes" Windows will Install the older (and in this case, working) driver and reboot, or prompt you to reboot, depending on your settings.

Please Note the following before attempting the above instructions;
- YOU MUST Have Administrative Privilages to use the Device Manager
- DO NOT Confuse "Roll Back Driver" and "Uninstall". Uninstalling The Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 Driver May cause failure to display graphics at all, or the standard VGA driver will load and you will have sub-optimal video graphics until you install the proper driver.
- DO NOT Uninstall or Rollback any other drivers, they are unrelated to this guide and may casue system unstability and loss of functionality of devices.

 kalau promblem solving diatas masih belum bis memperbaiki bug kecerahan pada laptop anda maka anda harus menginstal driver yang benar 

download di sini driver anda yang bermasalah.

di dalam link diatas ada dua file driver yaitu untuk 64bit dan 32bit,nah tinggal download aja file yang cocok dengan laptop anda lalu install dan restart laptop anda..

dan jangan lupa mengucapkan bismillah sebelum menginstall driver itu ya.. fufufufu.. :D

sumber :
                pengalaman mimin

5 on: "Mengatasi bug Kecerahan pada Laptop Lenovo Z400 IdeaPad "
  1. thanks .. sangat berhasil trimakasih

  2. laptop baru ya mas ? haha..

  3. pake cara ini kalo cara di atas tidak berhasil
    downlad lastest driver on intel website
    run Regedit
    search[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000] or [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0001]
    at paramiters "FeatureTestControl" insert dword:0000f048 the new path will be: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000] "FeatureTestControl"=dword:0000f048 or [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0001] "FeatureTestControl"=dword:0000f048

  4. thx for the info, sangat sangat membantu
